Portable Monitoring system

In this project, I led the the UI design for a portable monitoring and logging system to stream live sensor data to the Fluke Connect website.  This is a complex UX project involving design work for the gateway, multiple types of sensors, mobile and web apps. 

As the principle designer, I led the design of the entire UI system, coordinated and collaborated with designers and developers in multiple locations around the world. 





  • Architected the UI framework
  • Designed and developed UI concepts & wireframes
  • Planned and conducted usability research
  • Led a team of designers in multiple sites
  • Collaborated with development teams around the world


Target Users

Maintenance Manager

Keeping the plant up and running safely and reduced operating cost

Lead technician

Prevent asset failures and maintain accurate records

Maintenance Technician

Electrical and mechanical maintenace



Competitive Analysis

Review of competitor products and their Sensor setup UI


Evaluate the setup experience of a competitor PRODUCT



Exploration of the overall UI architecture to initiate team discussions and to understand design space and scope



Early sketches and concepts

A small sample of early sketches to explore ideas for setting up sensors using the mobile app.  For this project, I experimented with using a stylus and a digital sketch pad to kick start the design process.


Experimenting with different setup sequences for sensors.  Users are more familiar with sensors but the gateway is the logical starting point for setting up a monitoring system. 



Sample wireframes

gateway & sensors setup


power monitor setup


alarm setup and visualization

Alarm Setup v3.jpg

analysis visualizations



Usability Research

To validate the overall usability of the entire system, we planned and conducted usability studies and site visits throughout the entire project. 

usability notes

The research covers the entire experience of using the monitoring system including packaging, hardware and software design and functionality.


revised setup for gateway & sensors

Based on user feedback, we revised the setup for gateway and sensors to provide more instructions/illustrations and to clarify interactions.

original setup 

revised setup




What I have presented here is a small portion of the design work that went into the project.  I have included some project feedback that I received for my work on this project.  Feel free to contact me to learn more about my design process and experience as the design lead for a brand new IofT and SasS project.  

For the most critical IG program this year and in spite of an impossible schedule, Jenny facilitated team consensus via UX concepts and feature refinement, defined the architecture for the UI framework, orchestrated detailed design with contractor and FT staff, and ensured that effective visual designs were produced in rapid order.
I am impressed by Jenny’s intent and ability to lead, collaborate with, and mentor her peers in and out of the EVT UI team.... It helped maintain team cohesion and, at times, our sanity.